Oliver FurnitureOliver Furniture Wood Cold Form 床褥 適合Wood 嬰兒床 70 x 140 x 9cm
尺寸 – 闊:70厘米,長:140厘米,高:9厘米
獲Eco-Tex認證的Oliver Furniture Cold Foam床褥,連天然羊毛床褥套。
床褥套:可拆卸的床褥套由來自新西蘭的天然Eco-Tex人字形棉布與 100%羊毛交織而成。這天然羊毛床褥套十分柔軟舒服,可自然地提升睡眠質素,並令睡眠更加舒適。
物料:獲Eco-Tex認證的歐洲高彈性Cold Foam床褥,獲Eco-Tex認證的歐洲棉布,獲Eco-Tex認證的新西蘭羊毛。
海綿材料:Oliver Furniture的床褥由100%天然物料製造而成,獲Eco-Tex 認證。Cold Foam床褥運用特殊的點對點支撐技術,使用高彈性海綿,透氣度極高,更有高度散熱的能力,提供了理想的舒適睡眠空間。高密度Cold Foam床褥,38 - 41公斤/立方米。
防火性能:所有床褥都符合歐洲防火標準(EN 597-1,EN 597-2和BS 5852)
Oliver Furniture是位於丹麥哥本哈根北部的品牌。
*Pre-order product. Estimated delivery in 2-3 months.
Delivery & Assembly Information:
- Additional fee is required for delivery to remote areas and other outlying islands in Hong Kong (HK$200 or up, based on actual delivery address).
- HK$100 per floor up to 8 floors for buildings without lift or product can only access through staircases.
- Free Delivery is NOT applicable to this item.
- Wall mounting service is not included in our assembly service.
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Causeway Bay
Repulse Bay
Tsim Sha Tsui - K11 MUSEA
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