LoogLoog Ukulele – Green
Somewhere over the rainbow, we decided to create the perfect little ukulele for kids and beginners. It comes bundled with flashcards and the potential of a life-long love for music.
- All-wood ukulele, perfect for beginners all ages!
- Size: Soprano (length: 21.5" / scale: 13.6")
- Includes flashcards with ukulele chord diagrams
- Fits the Loog Mini Gig Bag, Stand, Strap and Wall Hanger
More than just a uke
All-wood ukulele
Chord Flashcards
Video Lessons
Game-Like Exercises
The gift that keeps on giving
Playing a musical instrument helps children benefit in almost every level: it enhances their cognitive skills while fostering creative thinking and their ability to focus. With Loog, kids are playing and having fun from the very beginning, acquiring skills that last a lifetime!
Real wood, Real uke.
The Loog Ukulele is small, fun and cute, but it's not a toy: it's a real instrument, made out of real wood, that projects a sweet, beautiful sound that will make you fall in love with music.
The Loog app
Games, video lessons, a learn-to-play songbook with 200 songs by The Beatles, Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars and more, and even an interactive TV show.
Scale: 347 mm
Length: 546 mm
Width: 183 mm
Depth: 67 mm
What's in the box
Download code for the Loog Guitar app
Wan Chai
Causeway Bay
Repulse Bay
Tsim Sha Tsui - K11 MUSEA
Tsim Sha Tsui - Harbour City